Posts tagged health
Try the Least Harmful Options First

When illness comes to visit, try the least harmful options first. Why? Because it makes sense to try the least harmful options before trying what could be considered more ‘harmful’ or invasive interventions and options, such as surgery or pharmaceuticals.

Let’s say I became suddenly sick (I know, shudder the thought), or found out that I had elevated blood pressure or high blood sugar. I would naturally take this news very seriously knowing this diagnosis could pose a very serious health threat. My first step would be adjusting my lifestyle in all of the known ways to combat the diagnosis. I’d up my game at eating better and healthier. I’d introduce additional forms of exercise such as yoga, walking, or riding a bike. I would try Mindful Meditation to combat stress and visualize positive outcomes. I would try herbs, nutraceuticals, flower essences, or homeopathics that are known to help in my condition. In other words, I would never jump into taking a pharmaceutical- first!  Nor would I ever elect to have surgery before I tried every possible least ‘harmful’ option such as exercise, acupuncture, chiropractic, or bodywork, first!

That said, if a bus hit me, I’d be the first to say, “Air lift me to the nearest emergency room toute suite!” Trust me when I say I would not suggest calling anyone to come and lay crystals on me and chant, nor would I refuse medical attention in lieu of a guided meditation to heal a broken limb.  Any trauma should be dealt with immediately and expertly.  Yet we know that high blood pressure could be considered life threatening, and high blood sugar can lead to insulin resistance and a host of other health issues. 

So how do you know what to do when you get sick?

Health Hack: Change the way you perceive sickness

There’s a magical moment in between receiving a diagnosis and “what should I do NOW?” which can be a very empowering one.

It starts with how you perceive sickness. This Health Hack involves a Mind Hack.  Let's look at some common conditioning you might unconsciously be holding which skewed your perception and ultimately, colors your reality.  Here’s just a couple:

*Holy crap! I’d better take the drug my Doctor suggests. After all, she/he deals with this all the time, so they must know what’s best for me.

*Or, ‘I always knew I would get this condition, just like (insert the name of a friend or relative here) and that was just the beginning of the end for them

And here is where the Mind Hack comes into play. Instead of allowing your brain to be hijacked into a negative scenario, change the way you perceive sickness by directing and choosing your thoughts purposefully. Old defeatist or death sentence thinking quickly becomes:

*Wow! This is clearly a warning signal and I’m grateful that I know about it. Now I can make positive changes!

*It’s in my power to change this! I can turn this diagnosis around and come out healthier and stronger! 

*I’m eager to turn this around as quickly and easily as possible and am willing to make all of the necessary changes to achieve my goal of better health!

FEEL the difference between these two mindsets. This latter mindset puts you in the driver's seat, positioning you to see the overall situation from an empowered place. You still may not like knowing or implementing what is required to change a diagnosis, but at least you’ll be making an informed choice from a place of power, with the potential to try the least harmful choices first.  SachiSays, become a Health Ninja and commit to change the way you perceive sickness. Your body will thank you!

Photo by Justin Luebke on Unsplash

Staying Balanced & Healthy

The effect of the outbreak of Coronavirus and all the ways our lives have changed can be stressful. An invisible enemy can cause fear and anxiety, and all of our sudden life changes can cause us to temporarily spiral into unhealthy habits. Coping with stress in a healthy way makes you stronger and helps those around you to be calmer. Taking active steps to ensure you strengthen your immune system and check in with loved ones to ensure they’re following suit is especially important at this time. We are all in this together, and if we look at the positive, it will bring us closer and more connected.

Here are 10 tips to stay balanced and healthy, and reduce stress and anxiety:

1.  MOVE IT or SHAKE IT: Exercise regularly at least three times a week for at least 30 minutes of cardiovascular activity. If you can, exercise with loved ones - the ones you’re sheltering at home with. Get outside to exercise ONLY if you can, and only if it’s safe to do so.

2.  BREATHE: Practice deep breathing for at least 5 minutes each day. Meditate and practice stillness - in any way that feels good to you - each day. You can use apps if needed for directed meditation and if you’d like some personalized instruction and guidance, call me!

3.  EAT HEALTHY: Sachi ALWAYS says, ‘eat healthy! ‘ Truly, it’s never been more critical to eat healthy, well-balanced meals. Did you know? Refined sugary desserts feed viruses.

4.  REMEMBER SUPPORT SYSTEM: Stay in touch with loving, supportive, trusting family and friends. Technology can be your friend - consider a video call through FaceTime, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Skype or Zoom. Seeing your family and friends in any way can be a powerful support. Someone having a birthday or special day? Schedule a group video call! Works well for happy hours too. :)

5.  FOCUS ON WHAT BRINGS YOU JOY: Use the time doing those activities that bring you joy and happiness as much as possible, when you’re not working or home schooling children. Now’s the time to learn that language or start your memoirs.

6.  STAY SMART: We’re being advised to stay home as much as possible so listen, wash your hands, keep your hands away from your face, and resist the urge to see others who seem ‘symptom-free.’ Be diligent and practice excellent hygiene and social distancing to protect yourself, your family and others.

7.  BE IN SERVICE: If you are able, and it is safe for you to do so, reach out to those more vulnerable with offers to pick up groceries or to stay in touch with a phone call. Call a friend and see who needs toilet paper.

8.  CULTIVATE GRATITUDE: Make a list of all the things you are grateful for. You’ll quickly see how many blessings you have. Bonus? Studies show Gratitude helps counteract depression and improve sleep and overall health.

9.  HEALTHY HABITS: Maintain a healthy routine and schedule. This includes fresh air, rand adherence to a regular, healthy sleep schedule.

10.  GET SUPPORT: Don’t be a hero. If you experience heightened anxiety, contact a mental-health professional - most are seeing patients over technology and / or doing phone sessions.

Late Summer - A Time Of Transition

This is a time of Environmental Transition. What does that mean to us? In harnessing and flowing within the energy field created at this time, we are given a Special Power, a Unique Force, that aids us in creating transitions in our very own life! Pretty fabulous, wouldn’t you say?

Never forget that we humans are a Microcosm of the Macrocosm, which is this interesting world we live in. So what that means it is an excellent time to make small transitions to influence our overall health! Physical, Mental, Spiritual, and even in our Daily Routine, that will have major benefits for our health and well being!

I like to enter this period of transition by first, creating a list of what transitions I would like to make. Then, I consider which I can commit to making at this time, and finally I number them in the order of importance. I usually choose the top 1 to 3 depending on realistically assessing the involvement necessary and the time I can dedicate to each. Then I just go with the flow! Sounds easy…and it is! Because the energy of the season assists you, coddling you like a mama bear. Try it, and, as always, let me know how it works, by leaving me a comment, or better yet join the Late Summer Online Playshop and participate in the Q & A period at the end!

Many Hugs to Each of you,


ENEMAS, A great way to DETOX!

I always get a lot of groans when I talk about enemas. For sure no one is ever excited to learn about them! None the less I continue to tell people about their great benefits. In many other countries, and even in America 50 years ago, enemas where considered a valuable treatment for a vast variety of ailments.

Even if you eat well and are having daily bowel movements, that does not insure that you are effectively eliminating all the waste from your bowels. Considering what we eat, and what toxins we are exposed to in our foods, it is little wonder that incomplete waste elimination in the bowels become encrusted and impacted with fecal matter. This damages the integrity of the bowel walls, creating diverticulitis, which allows the waste to pass through the intestinal wall and circulate in our bodies. Surely not a very clean or healthy picture! But here’s where enemas come to our rescue! They can assist in clearing this build-up of waste. If your still not sold, let me say that combining massage, or ball rolling and enemas, you may just be able to release that stubborn “Belly Bulge” you have not been able to diet away!

Get your enema on, it's easy! Here's how:

  • Purchase a rubber enemas bag in the drugstore.

  • Use only filtered water (and NO, the ones that come in a refrigerator don’t count as filtered in my book) you can use filtered or distilled water, heated to body temperature. Clip the “Water Flow on the Hose” and fill the bag.

  • Hang the bag in the tub or shower about 3 feet above your head.

  • Lubricate the rectal tube for easier insertion. I recommend coconut oil. Some prefer a thicker substance like a lube or Vaseline, but beware thicker lubricants often clog the opening of the rectal tube.

  • Unclip a second to release any air bubbles, clip and insert into the rectum, then unclip, allowing the water to flow into your body. ATTENTION: During an enema it is normal to feel water-filled bloating and distention and possibly even mild discomfort. You may even need to go to the bathroom, like RIGHT NOW, before emptying the entire enema bag. So it may take a few "refill" times to empty the whole bag.  Remember that you may still be carrying some mental and emotional negatives from your "potty training" years. Be patient with yourself, clip and gently breath in-between flows. Finish the bag, always re-lubricating each time you insert the tube.

  • Doing a belly massage or rolling on a ball while you retain fluid in the enema bag (full or even partially filled) really does help to break up and release any encrusted old feces (Yea, gross I know, but true!)

  • It is super important to always recolonize your intestines by taking a good quality multi-probiotic (by mouth) after a colonic! I also take daily ones.  

Detoxing with self-enemas strongly supports your body by helping the colon with it's exhausting job of eliminating toxins.  As your body gets used to enemas, it will signify you when it is in need of help, such as in after times of overindulgence. 

For beginners or masters, you simply cannot go wrong by doing an enema during the change of seasons, or when you have the extra time and would like to "flush yourself out". 

You will feel so much lighter, better, cleaner and even mentally clearer after an enema, that they become a beautiful way of showing your love for this "vehicle-body" that sustains and supports you.

Enemas Are The Epitome of Self-Love


Everyone wants to be happy, handsome, beautiful, in good health, oh, and to be rich also! I can’t help you on that last part, but acupuncture CAN help you with everything else! Yep! You read that right. Excluding acupuncture, there is absolutely no other cosmetic procedure that can claim to accomplish all of that!

What’s the secret? In acupuncture we work on the entire complex human being that is on our table! Not just a stomach that we are going to place a machine into to suck out fat! Or just a face that we are going to either inject with toxic substances or cut and scrape and sew. NO! this is a whole person, and will be treated as such. Of course an acupuncture treatment focused on a cosmetic aspect of the face is going to be very different then one focused on a sprained ankle! But we are still working on the whole person. We will not be injecting any toxic substances that will infiltrate the entire body! We most certainly will be re-moving blockages, moving chi (energy) through the channels of the body, balancing the yin and yang, relaxing the body/mind/spirit/soul and working on healing whatever that individual came to us for.

The amazing side effect that everyone remarks on after any acupuncture session is how relaxed they feel after a treatment. That’s because unlike those large filiform needles used by doctors to withdraw our blood or for putting a substance into our bodies, acupuncture needles are small and super, super thin and they begin working immediately to relax our bodies and our minds. They do this by decreasing stress hormones and stimulating endorphin and dopamine release!*1) And let’s face it, with needles in you, you simply have no choice but to lay there! In a really meditative state! Forced chill, if you will!

O.K. So....

1) What does an acupuncture facial actually do?

2) What is the procedure?

3) And does it work?

3) Let’s answer that last question first...... YES! It Does Work!

It does not have the drastic effect of a “cutting, scrapping and sewing” of a surgical face lift however- but neither does it have the damaging short and long term effects either. Nor the scars! Nor the expense! Nor any down time.

But it really does make a noticeable difference for sure. I have NEVER had anyone who did not see that effect and was not happy with the results! Not one single time! The real perk is the more frequently you do it the more it works!

1) The procedure can be done by needling only. In addition to the needling a micro-current machine may be used, or/and guasha or/and cupping. I personally like to do all four in one session!

Needling allows us to directly target the specific areas a person needs. Needling stimulates fibroblasts! These fibroblasts are responsible for making collagen, elastin and glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), all of which contribute to skin firmness and plumpness. This is done in a gentle way with acupuncture.

Unfortunately however, in the “non-acupuncture’ world this fibroblast stimulation is done in an extremely invasive way by utilizing ablative therapies, such as IPL, chemical peels, fraxels, and lasers. These can actually cause a thinning of the epidermis and loss of both dermal papillae and skin hydration thereby causing repercussions latter on. How? The dermal papillae serves as a cushion between the epidermis and dermis giving those layers increased strength. It also exchanges oxygen, nutrients, and waste. Obviously this is not something you want to weaken! *2). This is not the information you are clearly given when you undergo such ablative treatments- but what do you think is actually happening during such an invasive treatment? And why do you think you need so much recovery time? Acupuncture, on the other (healthier) hand revitalizes the skin and makes it more resilient and stronger as opposed to weakening it.

An Acupuncture Facial treats the whole person. Stimulates blood flow and lymphatic drainage Stimulates the production of fibroblasts, collagen, elastin and glycosaminoglycans. Retrains the facial muscles. De-stresses the individual. Has absolutely no down time.

For anyone who wants to be healthy, de-stressed, happy and look as good as possible.....ACUPUNCTURE IS YOUR ANSWER!!!!!!


Yang X, uGo Z et al The role of Dopaminergic Synapse Signaling Pathways in Antidepressant Effect of Electroacupuncture Pretreatment in Chronic Restraint Stress Rats. Complementary and Alternative Medicine, vol. 9, 2017

Setterfield L. The concise guide to dermal needling, Expanded Medical Edition. B.C., Canada: rAcacia Dermacare Inc., 2013